1. Indian (Desi) cows is the only species of cow on the planet which has a hump along its backbone.
2. The hump has a specific vein called Surya Ketu Nadi (yogis know the nadis are channels in the etheric body), which absorbs the energy from the sun and moon. The solar rays produce golden salts in her blood and are present in the products produced (e.g. milk, ghee, curd, butter), thus giving its golden colour. The other cow by-products (e.g. dung, urine) have medicinal benefits as well acting as naturally producing manure, pesticide and insecticide.
3. Indian (Desi) Cow Urine contains moderate levels of nitrogen (N2) — effect on chemical diseases, calcium (Ca) — blood purifier and germicidal, potassium (K) — cures hereditary rheumatism and removes muscular weakness, magnesium, phosphate (P) — helps in removing stones urinary track, fluoride (F), urea (H2NCONH2) — removes blood abnormalities and toxins, natural stimulant of urinary track and is diuretic, ammonia (NH3), Copper (Cu) — controls build up of unwanted fats, Hydroxide (AuOH) — germicidal and increases immunity power, it highly antibiotic and anti-toxic, etc.
4. Indian Cow Dung has a natural disinfecting effect and reduces pathogenic bacteria. It is a natural anti-septic, anti-radioactive and anti-thermal properties. In Bhopal, India, 20,000 people were killed in the worlds worst industrial disaster from a lethal gas leak, except those villagers who houses were coated in cow dung.
5. Indian Cow Milk has amino acids which makes its proteins easier to digest. Is a rich source of B2, B3, A vitamins which helps immunity. It helps in reducing serum cholesterol. It is one of the best natural anti-oxidants. The highly rich calcium helps protect cells. contains Riboflavin (vitamin B12) and Vitamin B2 which are functional in the production of energy and cardiovascular protection. Also contains iodine in rich quantity which is an integral component of thyroid hormones.
6. Indian Cow milk naturally produces the a2 Protein only, whereas the Jersey cow produces a1 protein which gets broken down into peptides but also creates a new peptide called BCM7 (Beta Caso — Morphine 7)
7. The BCM7 peptide from a1 Jersey cows cannot be broken down by the body and is the cause of many diseases, as it is an exogenous opioid which does not occur naturally within the human body and interacts with human digestive system, internal organs and brain system.
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